About Me!

This is simply my way to share my adventures easily with friends, family and well the entire world…

After spending ten years in the Army I was keen to continue my life’s adventure by seeking out as many experiences as possible. Life is for living and I am determined to live it to the full! I literally have thousands of inspired ideas for the future and what is seen here are the few that become a reality!

For years I have travelled and throughout I have written diaries, I have now decided to upgrade from paper to an online blog. In essence it will be the same thing, only available to read to anyone who fancies it!

I have recently returned home after 12 months of living in my van, tramping around Europe, followed by a five month stint in Korcula, Croatia, where I worked as a dive guide. Life has inevitably slowed down since returning to the UK, however I plan to have micro adventures on the weekend and days off.

As well as this, one day I hope to have time to copy my old journals and diaries from previous trips, such as the Trans Siberian Railway, travelling around Asia and Australia, driving the Mongol Rally and numerous trips Climbing, mountaineering and scuba diving! Another addition that will be added is a small review page where I will review the equipment that I use in my everyday life, this equipment takes a lot of punishment and is put through its paces so the reviews will be well informed.

The futures bright, The futures Betathief and I hope you enjoy it!

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