“What’s the best things that you have done so far on your trip?”

  This is the most common question we have been asked when we meet friends, each time it is asked, we mumble for a while between ourselves as we try to break down ten months of continuous travel, adventure and van life. It’s too difficult to pick one experience that has outdone the others, as... Continue Reading →

Diving Tarifa Two- The San Andreas

My previous post covers our first dive, and this was my second. I say my, as jess decided after the faff of the first to skip this dive, unfortunately for her this was a much better dive, with way more to see. We descended a fixed line and soon the obvious protrusions of a wreck... Continue Reading →

Diving Tarifa

It has been a while since I last took a trip below the sea, and from a friends recommendation we decided that a trip to Tarifa was needed and whilst there we would get some diving in! As soon as we arrived in the area I liked it, and that says a lot, as although... Continue Reading →

Snorkelling in Sardinia

Overall we spent just short of three weeks travelling around Sardinia, initially our plan was to climb as much as possible, however we soon came to discover the amazing coastline and underwater world that surrounds Sardinia, and it is fair to say we diverted our attention to this more than the climbing. We snorkelled in... Continue Reading →

West coast and goodbye Sardinia

So far this trip we have climbed, a lot, however our stint up the west coast of Sardinia resulted in more sunbathing than climbing. In all honesty the most climbing that we did was at Masua, and that was three single pitches, so not exactly pushing ourselves… that said, this part of the trip has... Continue Reading →

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