Van Life Reality Part Five- The Creep!

Just as we passed the halfway point of the trip, I had a thought about these van life reality posts and how I may not have much to say from here on in, as it all becomes the same old problems, just in a different light. However that evening was the night of the creep... Continue Reading →

A Request from a Follower!

As the title says, I have had a request from a follower via email to share more about who I am, how I got here and where I am going. All these things that have not been fully covered in the blog as of yet, and were totally overlooked by me! I hope they don't... Continue Reading →

Index, Southeast Ridge- AD, 4c

Just a short one as it was a short day! After such a long day spent on the Aiguille Purtscheller, me and Jess fancied an easier day with less approach and lower graded climbing, but still keeping to traditional climbing, so the South East Ridge on the index was an ideal choice. It has a... Continue Reading →

Au Revoir Burgundy!

What can I say, Burgundy has delivered, time and again I have been able to reflect on life in a present context. I'm happy to be here, and have enjoyed the entire stay! Whilst driving along I have managed to catch some fragmentary impressions, which have given me glimpses of wonderful things; chateaus and rolling... Continue Reading →

It’s a dog’s life!

Bored, bored , bored… Oh my, what’s that I hear? I stretch my neck and feel my ears go up on end, yeah, I can definitely hear something approaching. Oh look here it is, it’s big, and blue, oh I like it already, let’s run around in circles… Oh crap, big mistake, I’m too hot... Continue Reading →

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