“What’s the best things that you have done so far on your trip?”

  This is the most common question we have been asked when we meet friends, each time it is asked, we mumble for a while between ourselves as we try to break down ten months of continuous travel, adventure and van life. It’s too difficult to pick one experience that has outdone the others, as... Continue Reading →

West coast and goodbye Sardinia

So far this trip we have climbed, a lot, however our stint up the west coast of Sardinia resulted in more sunbathing than climbing. In all honesty the most climbing that we did was at Masua, and that was three single pitches, so not exactly pushing ourselves… that said, this part of the trip has... Continue Reading →

Running Down the Down Days

So on here I have posted much about the days when there is lots going on, I have talked about life in the van a little and although there are adventures taking place pretty regularly out here, there are also days where the sun does not shine and life is put on hold, such as... Continue Reading →

Au Revoir Burgundy!

What can I say, Burgundy has delivered, time and again I have been able to reflect on life in a present context. I'm happy to be here, and have enjoyed the entire stay! Whilst driving along I have managed to catch some fragmentary impressions, which have given me glimpses of wonderful things; chateaus and rolling... Continue Reading →

Run Forest, Run!

After a day of Wi-Fi and Plug hogging in McDonald's, it was time to get back into the wild. Although not too far into it, as we needed the Internet again tomorrow for Jess's work! So we drove a couple of miles out of Avallon towards Pontaubert and turned off onto the Route de Cousin... Continue Reading →

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