We are not quite in Madrid, but we have boulders, dogs, friends and rain!

Let's start with a little moan, the bloody weather! I mean what the hell? I'm in Spain, and it's starting to feel like I'm still in England! Anyway moan over! We left Portugal in horrendous rain, and in two days we made it to a small town just on the outskirts of Madrid, called El... Continue Reading →

Van life reality- Travelling ups and downs

I have often sat at home watching other people's travels through social media, often with a huge fear of missing out on all the great adventures that are going on around me! Often it's work or other commitments holding me back, however I'm now happy to say I have been living a great adventure on... Continue Reading →

It’s a dog’s life!

Bored, bored , bored… Oh my, what’s that I hear? I stretch my neck and feel my ears go up on end, yeah, I can definitely hear something approaching. Oh look here it is, it’s big, and blue, oh I like it already, let’s run around in circles… Oh crap, big mistake, I’m too hot... Continue Reading →

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