First trip of 2021, Part Two

We arrived in Cornwall and was greeted with an amazing sunset and a nice private parking spot!  The next day we headed straight to Bosigran. Unfortunately you are not allowed to stay over night in the car park, and there are signs stating so. This is a common occurrence across the country atm. We set... Continue Reading →

First Trip of 2021, Part One

It’s been a while since I’ve done a post, in fact it’s been a while since I’ve done anything... like most of the country/world, we’ve been locked down! To be honest I’ve worked throughout, but social activities and sports have been limited to say the least. It’s not like Sussex is a renowned location for... Continue Reading →

Climbing in the cold

So it's fair to say it's been a long time since I last put up a post. It's not that I've not been doing nothing, it's that I've done less and then not documented it. My bad! Maybe on the downtime afforded by the social lockdown, I will have time to post a few updates.... Continue Reading →

Wye did we avoid the Wye Valley?

Jess and me have been climbing together for nearly ten years and although there has been ample opportunity to climb at the Wye Valley, we have avoided it. I know the main reason is that everyone we talk to about it is quite negative about things, a common phrase I've heard is that people 'don't... Continue Reading →

Scrambling in North Wales

So after an amazing adventure in Egypt we were back in the UK and planned a climbing adventure in Snowdonia for the second week of our holidays. Unfortunately, a trip to Egypt is often followed by what's politely called an upset tummy (AKA the runs…). So we set off in the van, with the risk... Continue Reading →

Not So ‘Peaky’ Peak District!

It's fair to say that everytime we meet UK climbers, one of the first questions is have we climbed in the peaks? After seven years of owning the guidebook and ten years of climbing we have finally climbed in the Peak District! The first stop was the Roaches, simply because I read the name in... Continue Reading →

Weekend away in the van!

Its been a while since we have got away in the van, its also been a while since I've been climbing! But it was a good change of pace to get away from the mundane! It was a break from the mundane work life, that just seems to roll through month after month. We drove... Continue Reading →

Bank Holiday Climbing on Portland

We were lucky enough to finally get Climbing again after a month off! We headed down to Weymouth to celebrate the wedding of George and Nicky, and lucky enough for both them and us, the weather gods were shining upon us! After the wedding we decided to stay in the area and climb as the... Continue Reading →

A final fling in Fontainebleau

This is where we started the Climbing trip nearly a year ago, so it only seems fair that this would be where it ended. As ever when I arrive in Font I am immediately fond of the place, pulling down rugged roads, avoiding potholes and ending up at a car park surrounded by nothing but... Continue Reading →

Heading north to Montserrat

I have not written a diary style blog post for a while now, mainly as there has been very little to write about, and rather than write a post for the sake of it, I thought it best to wait until something worthwhile happened! We headed north after Las Fallas, in the general direction of... Continue Reading →

El Helechal Bouldering

This area first arrived on my radar when looking for sports climbing in the area. One of the online forums mentioned this El Helechal and it's great bouldering potential. All I could find in the form of topo’s was higher graded routes, most of which were out of my grades, however I still thought a... Continue Reading →

Climbing in El Chorro

We have had another week or so of play in El Chorro, and to be honest it's a week more than we expected when we first arrived. On our first week we only managed to climb a few single pitch routes due to a lack of a guidebook, and most of these were in poor... Continue Reading →

Exploring El Chorro

So it's the end of our first week in El Chorro, and the heavens have opened, leaving me with some time to write up a blog post of what we have been up to so far. In all honesty this first week has been a little up and down. First of all we drove close... Continue Reading →

Chasing top fifties

We have continued our climbing tour through Costa Blanca, with a trip to a crag called Sax, again we were chasing top fifty and three stared routes from the Rockfax book. Sax had a lot of good routes, and looked like a great place to climb although the guidebook did say that the venue was... Continue Reading →

A Bad Days Climbing!

After what was a great day out on Toix the day before, we were to have a trying day on Mascarat. We woke up to an overcast day, and decided that a trip into Calpe for some supplies would give us time to gauge what the weather was doing. After this little jaunt the weather... Continue Reading →

More adventures from Costa Blanca

The adventures in Costa Blanca just continue to come. Following on from our success on Parle, a sea cliff/cave climb, that tested our ability to the max, we thought we’d head north and take on another time and again recommended climb, Sonjannika at Morro Falgui. I initially found out about this route when searching for... Continue Reading →

Costa Blanca a Climbing Mecca

We have been in Costa Blanca for the better part of two weeks and have so far had an absolute blast! My previous two posts have already highlighted some of the fantastic adventures that we have experienced here, such as the Bernia ridge, various quality single pitch crags, climbing on Toix on Christmas Day and... Continue Reading →

Climbing and sunsets in Croatia!

Another fine day, another fine climb, and another horrid descent. This is a simple way to sum up our second multipitch route in Croatia. We started later than planned, although we were pretty sure we could get up and down in the time left. This route was called Stargate and was further along the face... Continue Reading →

Croatia – first impressions

 We drove into Croatia at night after a long day of freeloading wifi and power at the Bled tourist office, as jess has work, its only fair to say how good the office is and the information we received from the staff was above and beyond all other tourism offices we have use on this... Continue Reading →

Final fling in the Dolomites 

In all honesty this second outing to the Dolomites has been one long hard week of fun! In eight days we have had seven of them out in the mountains, with one off in the middle, my body is feeling sore, but it has been worth it. Last time I left the area feeling disappointed... Continue Reading →

Dolomites Sella Tower

This climb was our fourth day on the bounce and it's fair to say I am feeling a little bit fragile after it all, it's time for a day off, however before that I will write a short piece on this climb. It's fair to say that the great weather we are having is the... Continue Reading →

West coast and goodbye Sardinia

So far this trip we have climbed, a lot, however our stint up the west coast of Sardinia resulted in more sunbathing than climbing. In all honesty the most climbing that we did was at Masua, and that was three single pitches, so not exactly pushing ourselves… that said, this part of the trip has... Continue Reading →

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